One thing that everybody wants from any insurance company is stability, the knowledge that the company will be there when you need them. Few feelings in the world are as helpless as seeing your insurance company go belly up and you know that everything you have paid for is gone. With a company like Mutual of Omaha you will get a company that has proven to be successful in the long and short term.
Mutual of Omaha’s Medicare Supplement Insurance is underwritten by United World Life Insurance Company and has been working with them since 1983. The supplement plans offered by Mutual of Omaha and United World Life are for Medicare parts A and B and all of the work is electronic, meaning you are paid faster. This has been combined with service that is second to nobody to create an elite supplement insurance company.
The financial strength of these companies don’t really take a backseat to anyone and you should be very comfortable if you have your supplement insurance with them. Being insured by another supplement insurance company can be acceptable, but not likely as good as going with Mutual of Omaha. If you are unsure of if they are right for you it would not be a bad idea to give them a call and get a description of what they have to offer.
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