Medicare has gotten more and more complicated than it was a few years ago. There are some things that are covered better, but the costs can be staggering. A lot of Medicare recipients are confused and overwhelmed and trying to determine what combination of plans are the best for their circumstances.
For instance, it is extremely important to find out what your supplemental premiums will be if you move – especially to another state. There have been many Medicare recipients who have not considered their coverage a factor when moving. As a result, there have been situation where individuals covered in one state and paying about $1200 annually, moved to another state and had to pay two to three times their previous premiums for the same exact coverage with the same exact insurance company.
It is essential to make these comparisons. It would be difficult to get information and talk to experts before you purchase, rent or lease someplace new to live in a different state from where you live.
Some of the factors that create the difference are included in the demographics of the area. In areas with a large amount of senior citizens, premiums will be higher because statistics show that there are more medical issues, expenses and claims in an area like this. In an area that is home to a majority of younger people, who offset medical expenses of older individuals, premiums would be lower because there are usually less medical expenses and claims, due to better health and less medical issues.
In the event that you are considering a major move – perhaps to find a great place to retire – be certain to check your Medicare Supplement premiums and other medical coverage and expenses first. If you have questions regarding any of these issues, contact or call 1-800-MEDICARE to get your questions answered.
Moving is always a huge life event. It can be very stressful. You can eliminate some of the stress by researching your coverage and your premiums in advance.
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