Medigap Plan F starts to make sense again where Medicare Plan C left off, so you will want to refer back to Medigap Plan C to start to make sense of this. Medigap Plan C offers many options that A and B do not, and actually offers one coverage that Plan D does not. So if you start with what is offered by Medigap Plan C you will see all of the same coverage options with a few additions.
Medigap Plan F adds on the Medicare Part B excess charge assistance to give you more help with fulfilling your Medicare Part B charges. For some people this coverage can become very expensive so having a little bit of help can go a long ways. Also, Medigap Plan F offers a high-deductible plan if you do not have enough to pay the regular Medigap Plan F deductible.
When choosing this option you must pay for Medicare-covered costs like coinsurance, copayments and deductibles. This would go up to the deductible amount (which was $2,000 in 2011) before you have any assistance for your policy.
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