For many people the single biggest driving point in cost with health insurance, or any insurance for that matter, is the potential for out-of-pocket cost. Many people would rather pay a higher premium every month than take the chance of having to pay out-of-pocket down the line. If this is you then you would be very happy with the peace-of-mind that comes from the Medicare Supplement Plan F from Humana Insurance.
Here are the highlights in addition to the “basic benefits”:
- Skilled nursing care is covered with this Medigap Plan.
- Your Medicare Part A deductible will be covered for hospitalization as well as the Medicare Part B deductible for medical and hospital outpatient services.
- Medicare Part B excess charges are also covered. This means if there is a difference in what your doctor charges and Medicare will pay up to the Medicare limiting amount will be covered.
- Travel abroad medical emergency help is there for the world travelers.
- There is also a high deductible plan for people that would rather have a higher deductible and lower premiums. Just remember with this always comes the potential for large out-of-pocket costs if you get very sick.
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