Medicare is a health insurance company that is run by the federal government, to make things incredibly simple, but there are things that this government run entity don’t do entirely well. In order for you to have a say in how things are run and get things covered that otherwise may not be you have options to change the process. Some of these options are listed below and you should know that change is dependant on you.
? Request an exception for nonformulary Part D drugs and for plans with tiered cost sharing so that you can get your needs covered. The powers that be need to know what you think before they are going to make any changes.
? Appeal to have Aetna Medicare make a decision on the benefits you feel you are entitled to receive. If you don’t feel like you are getting the benefit of the doubt in your condition you need to make sure people hear about it.
? When you feel like you are not being heard by your representative you need to take it to the next level with Aetna. File a grievance to address your coverage issues, complaints and problems, if Member Services is unable to resolve your issue.
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