In a continuing effort to be confusing and frustrating in trying to learn the differences in Medigap insurance plans, Medigap Plan G offers slightly less than Plan F. Almost everything is covered by this plan except for one particular option that could be costly to you if you need help with Medicare Part B. The Medigap Plan G does not offer assistance with the Medicare Part B deductible like Plan F does.
However, unlike Medigap Plan D, Medigap Plan G does offer Medicare Part B excess charge assistance, are you thoroughly confused yet? You do get some help with Medicare Part B with Medigap Plan G, but you do not get help with the deductible. Excess charges will get assistance so that you don’t have to pay out more money than is necessary to cover yourself when necessary.
All of the other coverage options are there with the hospital stay assistance, pints of blood and the other basic Medigap options. The only difference is the lack of assistance with Medicare Part B’s deductible. Otherwise, Medigap Plan G is identical to Medigap Plan F.?
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